Have you noticed how it's steadily getting warmer these days? Obviously it's not summer just yet, but I saw this year's first person in shorts on the tube today. Shock. Horror. Shorts, sandals, socks(!) and an unbuttoned shirt to be precise. The word 'chest' and 'wig' sprang to mind immediately. Oh dear, it must be getting close to that time of year again. We're only matter of months away from summer on the tube. Just like in previous years, there's going to be sweaty armpits galore and on exact nose level. Along with the obligatory little brat trying to kill off a huge cone of ice-cream...straight onto your T-shirt. Don't get me wrong, I like the concept of summer (sun, iced lattes and vest tops), but I'm not a fan of summer in the city. Have you noticed how London seems even more populated between May and August? Blame the tourist industry, or just blame the fact it's sunny (more or less) and everyone and his bloody dog suddenly feels the urge to be out and about. And it's not just that, people also seem to have the urge to be particularly happy and friendly. Which is not a bad idea, if only they didn't expect you to be summerhappy, too. Hence growling at bus conductors or grannies obstructing your way to work becomes increasingly difficult. So you either play along and cheerfully hit the granny with an ice cream, or, well, you look even more miserable to people as you do, anyway. The latter is, of course, a dilemma, for no one wants to be seen as a grumpy git, especially not when the world around you evolves from Bermuda shorts, pedal pushers, Birkenstock's finest and an insane amount of people smiling for no apparent reason. But then, this being London, there will be rainy days for the pissed-off and summer-depressives, and thank God for that.