Kasha - Fire in the booth
Kasha visits Charlie Sloth on BBC 1xtra to stand where great rappers such as Lowkey have proved their worth.
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You can catch Kasha live performing for Flavour Magazine on Thursday the 10th of Feb.
Also performing is Effie, Baby Blue, Jasmia, Daddy's Girls. Demande, Angel and Ayo
Sleek presents Flavour Live at The Bedroom Bar?Date: Thursday 10th February 2011 ?Address: 62 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3AY?Entry: £10 on the door, £5 on the guest list. To get on the guest list email no later than Monday 9th February?Time: 7.30pm -12am (1st act onstage 8.30pm sharp)?DJs: Sir Big Kid, DJ Chef, DJ Cozie & Ashinel
For more information and line up details visit: