Filip is shy to jag but desperately seeking comments and criticism
I've been making music for my friends and circulating it among these friends for around three and a bit years now. I've been visiting DiS for longer but have always been petrified of plugging, jagging or whatever my music as I just make it in my bedroom for a bit of fun in between listening to other people who do a better job.
I've found loads of fantastic bands through this site's members which makes me even more cautious but now that this board is up (and has already in only a week or so introduced me to more interesting acts) I thought I'd give it a shot myself.
A few days ago on here Anschul said:
“Posting a link to a myspace and saying 'check it out!' isn't really going to do much either here or on the music board. Posting a link to a specific song and saying something about that song or asking for advice or comment on that song or perhaps an aspect of it will probably be more rewarding”
So I'm probably going to get shot down but I'm just trying to get someone who isn't a friend to comment, or criticise, any aspect of what I've done. Getting nods of approval from friends after playing them tracks or doing a gig is lovely but they obviously wouldn't tell me it's crap if it is.
I'm unfortunately cursed with a quantity not quality attitude when it comes to music making so there are around 96 songs, two concert recordings and videos on there. I'd really like someone to go “everything but this and this is rubbish” or something along those lines so I can start picking tracks for an accessible sampler or make changes to the future stuff I make.
Thanks in advance for any ideas and comments.
I offer to write a track for every person who wants one in exchange for comments as dedications are the only way I seem to get anything done.