insect advice needed
I was just cleaning my kitchen and i noticed quite a few of these little black insects around the place. They were only a few mm long and black and didnt even move when you flicked them...just basically fell off whatever they were on (the wall and ceiling mostly). When i inspected it it almost looked like a tiny version of a woodlice
I havent been living at my house as its been completely renovated but i am basically moving in properly this week. I have had a few windows open all of the time so i am just hoping some things have come in from outside...but i am starting to get paranoid that i have got some form of bug. Tehy were nowhere else in the house but in the kitchen and there is no food or anything in there as its been completely newly fitted and cleaned 30 times. there must have been at least 10 of these things around the place
any idea what the fuck this is as its starting to stress me out