Essay motivation techniques
'Coming to an existentialist-marxist* philosophy through an exploration of the relationship between personal & political power in the works of william shakespeare and his subsequent influence on 20th century modernism'
So I have the next three weeks to write this (aiming for around 10'000 words) in between going out lots and stuff. It's a bit unwieldy title-wise and I already have around 20 books to read/skim... Huxley, Faulkner, Hegel, (post-)Colonialism, Nietschze, Mill, Joyce & rousseau are all to be discussed...Though I hope to draw conclusions from the literature largely independant of the philosophy.
My question for DiS is, how the hell do you motivate yrself for something like this in the summer? I was supposed to start wednesday but have done fuck-all. It's going on my ppe application for christ church so it's highly important. Also if anyone has any further reading tips from that most vague of titles, that'd be nice.
* Not marxist-existentialist - that'd just be silly/Sartre.