Maptalks - MySpace
For anyone who's interested after the recent massive MySpace discussion - I'm part of a panel debate tomorrow about the effects of MySpace on the music industry.
What do you reckon? An amazing resource for discovering, consuming, communicating... or a vast quality control free wasteland of bands you don't want to hear, and should never have to? The future of delivering music to a massive audience, or yet another nail in the coffin of music as something that artists can make a living from?
Well, thats the kind of thing that'll be talking about.
Confirmed speakers include:
Laura Barton (Features Writer, The Guardian)
John Dyer (Director, Domino records)
Julian Mash (Strange Idols)
Me (Brainlove Records)
... followed by a scintillating Tim Ten Yen DJ set.
@ The Betsy Trotwood, 7.30pm
Then I'm off down to 333 for Napoleon IIIrd live.
PS. Please do not use this opportunity to stalk and kill me, or come along and shout Jag whenever I mention a Brainlove band.