Laptop retards
technology in music = v.good
DIY music = v.good
The internet as a marketing tool - = v.v.good
round shouldered laptop nerds who aren't actually very good but seem to get hailed as something like jesus if he'd worn a Bionic Man T shirt and lived in a bedsit in Kentish Town wanking over Manga cartoons = BAD
I ahve no one in mind but I find it hard to come to terms with the flood on the 'market' of 'solo' artists with laptops who actually aren't that good. Sure the use of technology in music etc is very very encouraging (I have Ableton Live blah etc) but it seems to be a phenomenon that has little in the way of detractors/critism - I have a 'thing' about solo artists and their slightly retarded selfish only child attitude to music, so may be this is a run off from this observation
Laptop/guitar/shit tunes/crap lyrics - no need, thank you