I'm wearing shorts
because we finally have good weather. Isnt that really, really , REALLY cool ? I mean in a literal sense and a metaphorical sense. In both ways. Like a polar bear in a freezer, although it is a common misconception that bears are cool. Just because they live in the cold doesent make them cold. Quite the contrary in fact. I would bet my bottom dollar that they are one of the hottest animals around. Now this could mean literally, or again in a metaphorical sense, because it is now "cool" to be "hot". Does this mean it is also "hot" to be "cool" ? But if both are meant in a literall AND metaphorical sense, does that mean an animal, or human being for that matter, can be "hot" and "cool" at the same time ?
Though I digress, im going off on a tangent. Not a tangent of 90 degrees though. I'd be going on forever at that rate. Maybe a tangent of say, 45 degrees, that sounds about right. So i'll be back on track in one sentence time.
I propose that everyone wears shorts, rain or shine. Shorts will now be reffered to as trousers, and trousers will be changed to "longs".
NOTE: There will be no change to PANTS, though boxers shorts will now be referred to as boxer trousers.