SCL's night aftermath
Err... Only the one drunken mad thread?
Well, that was all good, in any case. I didn't actually see any bands apart from a bit of Sweet Baboo as technical hiccups downstairs led to me and Prole tag-team DJing with our mp3 players.
Apparently this also robbed Sean of a cable for his iRiver leaving him with just 3 CDs to work with upstairs or something. It sounded good when I ventured upstairs for more drink.
Low point: that ever-increasing pool of water downstairs that got us ejected from the 'furry room'. :-(
I met Dalkin and jasminepearson found us in the Notting Hill Arts Club. Both of them were very nice and Jazz is the first girl I ever met who's taller than me. I think she was taller than everyone apart from Brainlove.