Bullies at gigs
At the Sleater Kinney gig last night I was third in, a pair of very small females going in first. The three of us went straight to the front and centre stage. Just before Sleater Kinney came on an English guy who appeared to be following the tour and drinking too much beer and talking too much to anyone who'd listen pushed one of the girls out of the way and stole her place, pushing her into the second row. I observed this and had words with him. He told me that there was no way he was moving. It was then mutually agreed that since I'm 5ft10, about 14 stone and covered in nasty scars and tattoos and was well up for physically removing him that it'd be in his best interests to fuck off. The girls were extremely grateful, pointing out that because of their size and gender it was just blatant bullying. I hate bullies like that and quite enjoy exposing them as the cowards they are when confronted by someone who doesn't fall for their bullshit. It does make me look a bit of a thug but we all know what a wonderful, beautiful, sensitive and intelligent human being I am, just one with an aggressive righter of wrongs and protector of the downtrodden included (translation, violent psychopath). I should point out that it wasn't done to impress the girls, who were clearly a couple.
So, are there times and places when losing it and being aggressive are acceptable ? I'm kind of stuck because this is one of the reasons I was dumped recently, not that I ever behave like this towards a partner, even a verbal argument makes me want to go and cry in the spare room, but I do not accept people trying to bully and walk all over me and those around me while we're trying to enjoy a social occasion. Should I be thrown into a secure institution for the protection of society or shot at dawn or given a medal and biscuit or just left to do my thing when the situation requires it ? It's knowing when and where those situations are, as it can be a very thin line between being assertive and being aggressive.