Brett Ratner Destroying Xmen Franchise
I don't usually dive into the abyss that is geekdom but i think i shall on the account of this poor representation of the Xmen Genre.
All that was good about the first two films have been taken away, and yes thats not entirely Ratners fault. One of the faults lies on the two 'lead' characters whom only agreed to do the film if they were paid bumper cheques, had their names on the poster and were given the most screen time. Ratner would nod and say yes to this, as he did, but Bryan Singer would not have let that happen in a million years.
By these two megastars wanting more screen time than anyone else, it left all other characters a bit shallow, don't you agree. And then Halle Berry and Jackass when they were on screen were not convincing. 'Wolverine crying' anyone, anyone.
The inclusion of the phoenix was always going to be there as observers of the last film would have seen the shadow of the bird on the water. But i feel the character was not used to her full effect.
the fact that she had the most work done on the special effects for when she blew people up (ish) meant that other effects looked a bit ropy.
Ratner loves his special effects and at most points X3 felt fit to bulge with the amount that had been crammed into it. The truck assault are possibly the worst effects i've seen for a while.
Anyone agree with any of my points, as i'm going o stop there before i go on all day.
Oh. not forgetting the Hollywood ending and the thing after the credits have rolled.