Flat hunting [centric thread]
Flat hunting - indulgent thread.
Found room in share accom last week in wicked location. Small yard, house has a wiiicked dog (am maaaaaaaaaasive dog lover) and a music room with decks and stuff I could use and build onto with my own equipment etc...
The only thing is:
- the bedroom is a bit smallish..
- I haven't met the third flatmate who I am beginning to think is like Rupret from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels... hidden away.......
- It took a week for the guy to get back to me about this room - I know this sounds pathetic but I feel a bit like 'second best' and the size of the room has turned me off a teeny bit.
Today I found out the room is mind if I want it...
Should I get the fuck over myself and take the room?
Flat hunting sucks hard. There are so many fucking cunts out there... ('scuse language but it's true - I've met some absolute fuckwits recently)