Lukas Moodysson, films 'n stuff
So I borrowed his boxset off my friend. Show me Love was basically a typical high school movie, cept with added lesbians. I absolutely adored Together, it was just a big bundle of happy with some interesting social commentary and messages. Lilya4-Ever was great too, just so relentlessly realistic, it reminded me a lot of Maria Full of Grace or Buffalo 66 in that way.
But what the fuck is up with A Hole In My Heart? There’s very few films I’ve given up watching halfway through but this was just so very bad I couldn’t stand it. I mean I don’t mind horrible films with lots of labia, violence, and grating industrial noise, but there’s got to be a reason for it. There was nothing to take away from this film, it just gave me headache, what was it trying to say? Some people are really nasty? The porn industry is nasty? Objectifying women is nasty? I think we knew that already, and even if we didn’t there a far more eloquent and interesting ways of telling us than this horrible film. Am I alone in hating it?