is this offensive? YOU DECIDE!
My friend and yours, DiS username HeartBrokenStar (he posted quite a bit a few months ago anyway) is the editor of our uni newspaper.
We put together a page of messages from leavers in a pleasent readership interatcion thing, for his last issue before leaving bangor.
it wasnt too interesting, so he titled the page THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE ARE G.A.Y.*
like in that episode of The Simpsons where its the end of the world and the news program runs a list of the gays.
however, the * lead down to an explanation of the acronym - Going Away this Year.
the leaver's messages themselves didnt contain people's full names, just silly things like "i'll always remember blah blah blah, from steve".
anyway, the uni's campaigns officer, who is a member of the lgtb society (lesbians, gays, transexuals and bisexuals society. i dont think they have any transexual members tho) is demanding that the paper be pulped, as being "sickening and offensive" and suchlike.
what do YOU think?