Bus Drivers AGAIN!!
Last week Jules got on a bus going to Stockton to see her mother. She had little minifella with her. 15 mins into her journey she heard a mobile phone ringing. Nothing unusual I suppose. However this was the BUS DRIVERS phone, and he answered it.
He proceeded to laugh and joke on the phone - whilst driving - for 5 mins. About 20mins later his phone rang again. Once again he answered it and proceeded to talk again.
Obviously I was enraged when jules told me. I phoned up the company and complained. They were appalled by his actions and promised me that he would be severely reprimanded and a tribunal would be on the cards. They sent a letter out apologising and reiterating their intent.
I thought this would be the end of it. However, on Monday Jules caught the same bus again (X1). It was the same driver, and guess what? He answered AND talked on his phone AGAIN!?!??!
I phoned up again and went crazy. They reckon he will probably get dismissed. Should I take their word, or should I call the police?