The Wire/The Shield and other quality TV
Ok so recently I have been really disheartened by television. It came to a head when I watched the X Factor final and was appalled that not only was it a terrible excuse for entertainment but that I had actually watched the whole thing (it went on for 3 hours!). I was suitably ashamed and stopped watching TV for a while. Recently however, 2 shows have helped to re-enthuse me, namely The Wire & The Shield, both of which I bought on DVD and found to be probably the best of what I had ever seen on the medium. Actual quality writing, acting, direction, and genuingly great entertainment, putting everything else to shame. Anyone else like these series? So having just finished Series 1 of both I now I have a gap that needs filling by something else. Anyone got any recomendations of TV shows (on TV or DVD)that they turn to to save themselves from the mindless dribble that occupies most of the schedules? Something like those mentioned above would be good, I have just watched an episode of Jag hoping I would like it and found it to be one of the dumbest and most ignorant shows I've seen for a while.