Bully boy Yanks
Whilst listening to the radio this morning (yes radio 4 but would you not expect me to push old women into the front of cars if I listened to moyles/Laverne?) there was a 'feature' on 'Is the EU relevant anymore' and they had the usual pundits and an Amercian 'expert' from some Thinktank. Nothing wrong with that but his neo-conservative 'europe is toothless the usa is best' really put me on edge - I mean, are these people really trying to belittle everything that isn't the American right for the sake of it or is there a bigger picture we can enjoy being drawn for us before their influence wanes, which I hope is very soon. I feel disgusted and dirty for myself for voting for Tony Blair but really how the hell must Americans feel?
Rant over - in other news Im about to reat a 'natural yoghurt' bar - what next?