The Lesbian vs Hetrosexual Thread
OK - I am tenatitively posting this thread but am genuinely interested in an opinion (from both the ladies and the guys on DiS).
Recently, a lot of my female counterparts have been fucked over in a massive way by guys. Like, I'm talking BIG TIME. At the start of January, I know of AT LEAST 8 girls who were all rather uncermoniously dumped by their lovers/boyfriends and all fucked over in a major way.
*Note - this Rose Stat includes some DiS and non-DiS, housemates, and so on - other friends of friends - it all went nuts in January... And I am one of them. Fact.
Now, these girls are STILL in pain because of this. It might be a case of extreme scenarios all taking place at the same full moon, but in all honesty, these girls are still very very hurt by it all. And becoming quite philosophical about it all.
SOME of these girls are even considering turning to 'the other side', 'batting from the other pavilion' and so on.
Now I have a number of lovely male friends and I'm not saying that all guys are bastards/mean/pathological liars (just the ones we seem to go out with).
But I am concerned that this is affecting this sample of women to such an extreme, that they are considering changing/shifting their sexuality for awhile.
What is your view on this? Can you understand why some people would shift their sexuality in an extreme way (and this could apply - say a guy got really fucked over by a girl - he might decide to try being GAY for awhile)?
Also, any advice for the lovelorn, let me know..
I am coming across SOOOO many girlfriends who are in tears (and yeah, I have my odd emo moment) and not sure what to do for everyone - my house is like a morgue at times - I mean, there are only so many effigy's of said bastard men that can be burned.
** note - for the record, I am not considering batting for the other team.. as mentioned, I'm a fan of men men men men men the whole way.