more myspace "fun"
i've had a couple of messages from this guy: sent to my labe's page today - standard stuff, i get quite a few, ones sent out on masse fishing for interest from labels.
this guy is pretty funny though:
"Hello there, the music on my space may have been a bit to "street " , i do understand that, but just to let you know i do, have commercial music, for example love songs, and i would work with rock artists.
I'm a very open artist and would love to try out different music and different styles as well as my own, if you do like what im doing and would like to hear my other projects showing the different styles of music i can do please get back to me. Through my space and let me know, becuase to loose such a opportunity with a good record label like you would be a shame. Thank you very much 1 love."
i like his slim grasp on punctation the best. magbe i should get him to do a collaberation single with projections, huh?