Soft drink related attacks
Anyone here had any soft drink related attacks?
Me and my friend were in town when some ned/chav/whatever threw a carton of ribena at us for no apparent reason.
Apple flavour for anyone who is interested.
My friend then procedes to say "why the fuck did you throw ribena at us?"
This comment is followed by him being hit in the face with a can of irn-bru.
Shaken up aswell. The ned looked really pleased with himself, as if he'd discovered a miracle that if you shake up cans it makes them harder and therefore, more painful.
We walked off grumbling about how we "so wouldave kicked the shit out of him if he didnt have such big friends". This is not true.
So, has anyone ever been the victim of soft drinks related abuse?
Is the traditional bottling "so last year" ?
Would it have hurt more if he hit my friend with lucozade?
Who shot JR ?
Why are we here? WHY !?