The New Generation of Mobile Phones
I don't know if this has been brought up here before, but how fucking annoying is the latest crop of mobile phones?
I'm not really talking about the technology as such as they're advancing quite well with loads of little handy features, but there is one thing that I am getting well pissed off with........... MP3 phones....with speakers.
Last night I ended up on a Metro with about 15 spides/chavs/neds/scum blasting out a load of crap happy hardcore / shit tecno with the Chipmunks singing on these new mobile phones. These scumbags were all seperated in groups, each group with their own tunes.
Perhaps I have been oblivious to this before, mostly because I tend to have my own MP3 player in, up full, but my MP3 player decided to die on me, so instead I now have to listen to kids pumping out the biggest pile of balls I have ever heard.
Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericcson etc. Stop it you bastards!