I found myself in a crappy situation at the weekend. Jules and i were in Stockton visiting her family.
Jules' older brother has a 7yr old son. Now this kid is one of the most misbehaved kids i have ever seen. Her brother tries his best to 'tell him off' but his wife is always making excuses for him (blaming his actions on him being thirsty!!!).
Anyway, at the weekend we were at their house and minifella was asleep in his pushchair. This little nephew started kicking his feet to wake him up?!?! I told him to stop and he looked at his mother and said he didn't. She did nothing.
Later we were in a restaurant and he started acting up again. Pushing straws into minifellas face. I was getting pretty irate at this point but i stayed silent.
Then as we started feeding minifella, he grabbed his bib and started swinging it about. His dad told him to stop but he ignored him. It was at this point that i could no longer keep silent. I turned to him and shouted at him and told him to leave the bib alone as it wasn't his. And how i wouldn't stand for his crap.
His mother looked shocked and blamed his actions on him being thirsty again?!?! WTF??
Was i right to go mental, or should i have left it to his parents? Would you have done the same?