Concerning John Rogers and 'Junkplanet'
Johnny, I felt this needed a thread of its own. Its following your comment in the "Which DiSer are you?" thread.
There are many, many people who do not like the noise you make with your little project. Be they in reality, or even here, where you thrive, many have informed me of how dreadful it is.
Are you saying that because people don't appreciate your, erm... 'work', they are anti-art, dadrock purists? It pains me to tell you this John, but... the things you've produced with "Junkplanet", really aren't that good. It must be hard when you find out people don't like it, so maybe, if you tell yourself "The only reason they don't like it is because they don't understand it", you feel better?
A lot of people have probably told you that you're an amazingly talented individual, on your travels, but have you ever stopped to think... these people may be lying to you, telling you what you want to hear?
So basically: you're wrong! People who recoginse JuNkPlAnEt as musical faeces AREN'T 'dadrock purists'. Have you ever stopped and thought, "Hold on a second. Maybe that song is actually shit."
"One, two, three, four,
Get a job you fucking whore."
Witty, John. Very, very witty.