A short story - Monday morning from hellllllllllllll
Christ - ok - last night at the pub turned out to be one of the most raucous nights ever - the bar manager, Bob was away and instead, the rather young but off his face owner, Joe, hung out with us and his career criminal friends (well, it seemed it). Nine DJ's turned up. NINE! We had everything from hard core drum and bass (nice) through to 60s classics... This means that my Sunday night secret is out of the bag. Disappointing. One loser male dj was like, 'Oh, are you playing too? You can't do that - you're a girl'. Like quite seriously.
I wanted to tell him to f*ck off and for him to be a real dj (he merely 'shuffled his i-Pod selection of tunes).
ANYWAY - my point is that I got hideously drunk on free drinks - DOWNING THE CIDER like it was lolly water...
My best mate and her boyfriend turned up with friends.. Every local in Bethnal Green turned up seemingly.
Dan and I got hammered and spent most of the night laughing at how we had taken over the decks and wouldn't let the other DJs play... (it's war there), and one of the young bar guys, Dom, who is about 18, brought his dad along who is a REAL proper Bethnal Green VICAR (or Rev - not sure - with collar, tho), who wrapped the night up with funky original 60s Stones... I can't believe I asked him to play, 'Sympathy for the Devil' (he didn't have it), the Stones track...
The Reverand/Vicar is going to play records at my joint party in May!
This is where the hell starts:
My friends and I went out for a midnight curry, I got home at 1.30am and woke up at 5.30am unable to get back to sleep... Just lying there listening to howling animals outside my window. Or sumthan...
At 8.45am today I had a job interview which I think I did ok in but had to sell myself after having had 4 hours sleep, and four massive successive nights out on the row...
I think, my friends, I have lost the plot.
Can someone please air lift me out of this office I'm working in???