weird musical dreams
last night, while tucked up in bed and in the land of sleep, i had an odd dream. i was backstage at a doves gig and it suddenly dawned on me that i was supposed to be playing guitar for them.
despite the fact i can't play the guitar, i picked one up (that just happened to be there) and decided to go out and play. i was fully conscious that this was a dream, so i thought maybe if i just strummed a bit i'd miraculously manage to figure out how to play their songs as i went along. this didn't happen. i just stood there making the same repetitive noise. nobody seemed to be paying any attention though. then all my guitar strings snapped (for some reason they were actually made out of string) but i managed to get away with it and the last thing i remember before waking up was the singer saying 'god we're shit aren't we?' as we walked off stage.
has anyone else had any weird musical dreams? is anyone still awake after reading that? last broadcast is actually quite a good album isn't it?