In response to 9000 post
Thanks to everyone who posted on my 9000. It was interesting reading all you honest answers. Below are all my thoughts on everyone who responded.
I know the name quite well, but nothing bad or great seems to jump out at me. So I guess that means that you’re an all right bloke.
You seem like quite the chatty/happy type. Always friendly and always up for a party.
Top bloke, never had any issues with you at all.
I actually thought you were a woman. Am I confusing your username with someone else? Never had a problem with you though. Seem like a decent chap though
I used to really dislike you, but then you knew that anyway. I don’t dislike you know though. I still think that you should sometimes think (I’m a hypocrite I know) before you post some of the things you post. Others can miss the joke and can take it serious. But I guess it’s your personality and I’ve grown to accept that. Really friendly in person though.
Has made me laugh so many times. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts for as long as I can remember. Don’t EVER leave please.
The true voice of reason and one of the friendliest guys on here. Never seems to lose his cool. Head of DiS Technical Support. Brilliantly friendly in real life.
I really can’t think of anything of note, sorry. That isn’t a bad thing though xxx
Great guy, very friendly. I think of him in the same way I do Judge_B.
Didn’t know much about you until I met you down London. You were super friendly with a massive grin. Top Bloke.
Always seem friendly and nice. Extremely funny too. The fact that you are buying a Thethe album turns you into my new best mate ;-)
Easily in my top 2 DiSers. I talk to Lyle nearly every day via Notes. Probably the most knowledgeable with regards music and has got me into more bands than anyone on DiS.
I started off liking SCL when I first started posting. Then when she started defending wrighty I went off her a little. That is until I actually realised she was right. Has a very cute speaking voice and is one of the nicest people on DiS.
Top bloke. Thinks he’s a fucking comedian and has had me in stitches a few times. Extremely friendly guy. LOVE YOU MAN!
I can’t recall the threads or the subjects but I seem to have the feeling we’ve had a few negative ‘incidents’ in the past. But I’m too old and too busy to hold a grudge.
Very very friendly guy and much much better looking than that cad Grinrod.
Seem like a decent chap… I think he speaks Italian!!
One of my faves… has little kid/s too. Has had me in fits of laughter countless times.
Hmm, I don’t really like being too negative and I suppose this will look like I am simply responding to what you have put about me. Alas I said I would be honest so honest I will. When I comes to music knowledge you seem to be spot on nearly every time (although the Mystery Jets are total PANTS). I find myself reading your musical comments and thinking ‘wow, that was spot on’. However I think your overall attitude stinks. You come across as a bit of a stuck up twat at times. You bully less articulate users, you stick your nose in where maybe it shouldn’t have been, you argue with people when maybe you should have just left it alone. And yes I realise that I have a few similar traits, but as you can see I have been trying to change that and I feel like I have succeeded. You are staff; maybe you should try growing up a little. Other than that it’s all LOVE ;-)
I used to total detest you and you can understand why (marcofellatio). However after I met you in London you have actually become one of my fav DiSers FACT
Aww poor kid. People seem to pick on you because you are young and type like a chav at times. Just be yourself mate. Ignore all the Haters.
I guess at times I misunderstood you, I still feel like throttling you from time to time. It’s great that I now speak to you on MSN. You have me in utter fits of laughter. Keep it up, just don’t get personal. For all you newbies… wrighty and me have probably had more rows on these boards than everyone put together. I do miss those rows though. xxx
The master and his court. I think you are ace bamos. Totally reasonable, utterly funny as fuck and a total gent.
I really like you t_f_s. You’re funny, witty and sharp. You’ve had me laughing many a time. You don’t get a round in when it’s your turn though you sly dog!
Seems life a nice chap although I don’t think we’ve spoke much.
A fellow Geordie and a truly nice friendly funny guy. A total coward though. ;-)