Dirty Losers
I was most aggreived to miss SCL's On The Rocks spectacular last night, but I had to go and see The Open Mouths at the Dirty Losers club. Which is a cross between Dirty Water Club and something else with losers in the title. Anyway, it was great, the first band Ape Drape Escape were like Pulp if they went glam/metal, all self-depreciating jokes in Sheffield accents, fake fur and shaking hips. The Open Mouths did a fucking storming set, the best they've ever played, and then Motormark levelled the room. They were amazing. I was too too drunk and blabbered at them adoringly afterwards and made them do high 5s (cringe). The venue was great as well, Glassworks or something? On Pentonville Rd.
The moral of this story is - go to the Dirty Losers club some time, it rules.