The Oscars
Right. Now I'm all for a bit of 'showbiz' just like anyone else, but really why has the Oscars seemingly become the most important thing ever to happen now or ever? Two days later and I rad on the BBC that 'viewing figures were down by 7%' - the biggest surprise was that this wasn't headline news, what with it being such an important issue. If anyone with a grude against 'Western Decadence' wanted to cause carnage they should decamp to Hollywood for a week and take out the people involved in this rather puke inducing celebration of the self. And also does NIck Park win an award for being 'english' or being a good animator? - I have a feeling in the eyes of Americans its the former as we're all either bumping public school Hiugh Grant types of eccentric yokels with te voice of Pete Sallis. I bet they'd take a contract out on his life he forgot to use the word 'jolly' in his acceptance speech.
PROLEFACT: I have never been to the Oscars.