another new zealand thread
i dont know if any of you uys read my other post about me being in new zealand.....i am bored for an hour or two so i thought i would write another one
been out and about in auckland and the place seems well cool. i was so looking forward to getting away from the stresses of work and its great to be in such a cool country with boiling weather, with my best mate and plenty to do....but just being here has presented me with another problem/worry/something to bitch to myself about!
I look around this place and see some really good opportunities, a superb standard of living and people who are so friendly and relaxed....and wonder why i could never bring myself to move out here. i would love to have a crack at it but the security, familiarity and safeness of the UK would always win. I swear....i hate the winters in the UK...but i know if i came here i would kill to be in my house back in cardiff listening to the rain pissng down and the theme tune to eastenders on the tv.....arrrrgh, i hate myself a times!!! lol
still having a great holiday though!