Due to popular demand (read: absolutely no requests whatsoever) i have decided that it is probably time for another mixtape swap. If i get enough demand from enough people (i.e. at least four DiSers) then i will pair them up, ooh, let's say...this weekend and you can all GET TO IT.
For all you n00bers (hello, don't be shy, come take a seat) this is YOUR chance to swap actual real hand-compiled music what you can hold in your hand with people you've never met before liek woah. Just post a reply to this thread, stating WHAT FORMAT you want to send/receive (e.g. CD, cassette, wax cylinder etc.) and then i will use the thommo Patent Mixtape Partner Generator to allocate you your swapee. You will then receive further instructions via the wonder of the personal message system.
And, even though the html tags have been irradicated on the new DiS, i can STILL TALK IN CAPITAL LETTERS. So TELL ME WHAT FORMAT YOU WANT.
And please don't be a knobber and bugger off shortly after saying you'll join in. The number of people who've been stood up here makes for heartbreak reading. The twunts.
And as always, any suggestions of a theme would be welcome. i was thinking of suggesting Shrove Tuesday, but beyond 'If I Had Possession Over Pancake Day' by Half Man Half Biscuit i wouldn't know where to go next.
HOP TO IT!!!!! And happy compiling, colon close bracket.