greetings from new zealand
hey all
just thought i would pop a little message on from my holiday in new mate i am staying with is wired up on broadband so i thought it would be rude not too take advantage!
I only arrived here yesterday after spending a few days in hong kong to see friends on the way. what a bitch of a flight....but well worth it...hong kong is awesome and auckland seems pretty cool too!
the mate i am staying with plays pro soccer out here and i went to a house party hosted by one of his team....i was jet lagged to hell and got well pissed and went into town....i had only been in a club for about an hour and from what i remember i was ejected for being too i am off to a great start!
i also met a few women and one of them has persuaded me to do a free fall jump off some huge tower in midweek! I seriously must make a note in my diary 'PACK IN DRINKING'!!