a few lines about corporate 'Mateyness'
I got a Pret a Manger coffee on the way to work today (and some ginger beer FYI, and yes, yes, I know Pret is the Macdonalds of the chattering classes), and whilst I was being talked to like I was deaf at the counter, I saw a sign saying "Sorry! Due to income tax we have to charge you more for eating inside. Nightmare." - erm pardno? - why is this sign been written like it was penned by a truculent teenager going on about being 'grounded' for a week? This got me thinking about faceless corporations and their 'pally' logos and saying like 'the little bag full of Big Goodness' etc - can anyone else think of any more highly annoying 'oooh we're just like you in our little ditzy ways even though we're making 3000% profit on this' type signs/branding etc