For your reading pleasure: My AQA facts
1. There are some 10 million billion ants estimated to be roaming the earth. The total weight of all these ants matches that of the entire human race
2. To settle your debate: adult giraffes can be killed by lions and other predators. If AQA could be an animal, it would be an owl, as they are wise
3. Most chickens live for just moments after their head is cut off. It is true that one lived for other a year and was fed with an eyedropper through the oesophagus
4.Your friend Porky is indeed a chump - according to the DVLA the minimum age to begin learning to drive is still 17, as it has been for many years
5. Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions. They have been co-exisiting for several centuries and have even complimented each other
6. The original Monster Munch did indeed come in larger, varied shapes. Originally the flavours were Smokey Bacon, Pickled Onion and Beef