That 'giving money to people morality conundrum' thread again
Whilst on the bus today, a wreck of a woman got on wailing for money and generally pissing people off - the smell of her and the sheer fear and desperation in her voice was far more impressive than any 'urban poet' could describe or even try to - of course the bus driver played 'stopped bus gambit' so everyone could tut and exhale - I gave her a pound even thought she was wailing for 50p (what was wrong with 37p?) but what really upset me (as she carried on down the bus aimlessly wailing for money) was the stone dead look of 'I can't see you in your death throes' blank faces of all the 'stokey' types on the bus (the media specs, headphones the size of Mars and Jupiter, Friday Review etc, and yes, to outsiders I must look like this pleased with themselves breed) I made a remark about this state of affairs loudly and half the bus guiltily dug their hands in their pockets to get rid of her even though someone said 'she does this all the time' and then she lolloped of to her crack dealer (it was too obvious). Now, I was thinking - was I right to give her money to take her one step nearer to an unattended funeral and pauper's grave or was I wrong to 'guilt trip' everyone on the bus for digging deep to help her even further?