Red Wine in the Fridge
I know a lot of you were asking for the complete lyrics, so here they are:
Red Wine in the Fridge
You put red wine in the fridge!
This'll only cause extensive damage.
To the bottle's delicate bouquet.
Why waste a rather fine beaujolais?
You can't do that again!
Walk away from the mayonnaise,
In the cupboard is where the bread stays!
When I turn on the TV
All I see is famine, war, misery.
But there's something worse than all of this pain:
Misplaced food is what drives me insane!
So I moved in with a brand new flat mate.
It was going well - we got along great.
But to my horror and to my surprise,
The fridge was filled up with brown sauce and mince pies!
To end the little bread/fridge debate,
I have a simple point to dictate!
Just use your loaf - they blatantly state: