a toast...
To procrastination! I would like to dedicate this day to that wonderous thing that always keeps me from doing something more constructive.
Things I should be doing today:
- read up on content analysis
- get some variables down on paper
- sort my portfolio out
- contact my tutor
- tidy the house a bit
- mend my girlfriend's shoe
Things I have done today:
- read the online papers three times
- written a song
- made 11 cups of tea (not all for me)
- copied cds for my friend Dave
- bought cough syrup
- contemplated pasta
- listened to ricky gervais' podcast
- played with my ipod
- done a few websudokus
- watched an episode of battlestar galactica
- turned my computer slightly to the side so it won't get as much heat from the radiator
- done some dishes.
My dissertation is not writing itself, it seems.