Sorry for the boring über hyper geeky thread, but what extensions do you Firefox users have installed and which are your favourites?
My favourites:
ForecastFox – Cute, minimalist local weather forecasts in the bottom right of window (even for Croxley! Best thing ever).
FoxyTunes – Play your media player/winamp whatever songs directly through the browser to save windows.
MediaPlayerConnectivity – Streaming mp3s etc at last rather than having to download them. Sadly doesn’t stream in the above yet (not instantly anyway).
IE Tab – Open Firefox unfriendly websites (such as this) in an IE running Firefox tab and switch browsers at the click of a button.
DownThemAll - Fast downloads, stop-start downloads, cued up downloads and such.
Adblock - CTRL+SHIFT+F ing things is fun enough to be a (slightly too simple) game.
Linkification – Turns all text links into clickable ones if they aren't already.
Colorzilla – Allows you to find out the colour codes of parts of web pages
Other ones I have installed:
Fasterfox (speed up)
Smoothwheel (speed up)
Tweak Network (speed up)
PDF Download (PDF in tabs)
Disable Targets For Downloads (no empty windows from download links)
SearchPluginHacks (remove things from the search bar)
Tab History (keep back+forward history when making new tab)
Your turn. If you want.