Greetings Cards - the biggest con in the fucking world
I HATE greetings cards.
vacuous womble-penned poetry to express your obligated feelings to someone celebrating some meaningless milestone.
or painfully unfunny cartoons of someone having a shit. or those ones that say 'we thought you'd like to see someone's minge on your birthday' and then inside it's got an old granny or some such cunt-witted nothingnesses.
And the days they invent for us to buy more stuff on out of guilt. Come on!
So... suggest alternative greetings cards messages.
I'll start
Outside: "I'm sorry you're lonely this Valentine's Day!"
Inside: "Better luck next year!"
"I'm sorry you've been diagnosed with CANCER"
Outside: "You're getting DIVORCED"
Inside: "We all knew you were wrong for each other"
"You've got a new CAR!"
Inside:"hope you have a WHEELY good time"
"Thinking of you this Vernal Equinox"
"You dropped your toast on the floor"
Inside: "That must have been irritating for you"
I HATE them!