What books have you read recently?
I actually read some books while I was on holiday so thought I'd start a thread about it. I read:
Two Kazuo Ishiguro books, Never Let Me Go and When We Were Orphans. The first of those is a very dark and yet beautiful book relating to three childhood friends whose sole purpose in life is to donate their vital organs and then die. It's a very haunting story about their search for love and anything they can wring out of what little time they have. The latter is about a detective in 1930s London who returns to Shanghai where he was born, to try and find out what happened to his missing parents.
I also read Saturday by Ian McEwan, a rather languid and oblique but engrossing story about one day in the life of a London neurosurgeon in February 2003. It's very post-9/11 and introspective but it's good.
I also read The Buddha Of Suburbia by Hanif Kureishi which is very funny, and I'm now halfway through On The Road which is brilliant and totally infectious and joyful and great.
Anyone read any of these or anything else to recommend?