People with Clipboards who work for charity
Now as you all know I'll give money to any good cause so long as its not spent on 'drugs' or 'fookin' Roses classics', but one thing that makes me wish that every sensible person in London was allowed a gun and a target of their choice once a year for five years, are Charity Streetwalkers.
Now, ignore the fact that in every square foot of say, Covent Garden, there are about 14 of them clamouring to be ignored but concentrate on just how they go about approaching you - with that stupid walk that is a cross between an agressive scouser who's got aspirations to be in the theatre and Lee Evans during and after a massive stroke. the other day one of them deigned to say to me 'Sir, I just know you and me are going to talk today' to which I could only reply with a scowl so shocked I was with his forwardness. Really I would rather be repeatedly punched by an angry female tramp than be accosted by these out of work actors. They just make you really wish there was never EVEr any poverty of good causes in the world if only it meant that they would have even less of a purpose. Pricks, and worse than city joggers. Just.