in the last 4 days i meet.....
so many DiSers. and they were lovely one and all. so, here goes, the hall of fame (in meeting order i think):
bamos - a very nice young man who battled through traffic nightmares to meet me in the afternoon
thewarn - a lovely man, though i didn't recognise him. fond of the "carlsberg medium"
nice squirrel - a lovely person who made me spend nearly £70 on records but bought me a great lunch
scl - does exactly what it says on the tin. hit me on the bottom with an umbrella and i talked to her about bumming people
prole - in my opinion, the best kazoo player on DiS
random - in my opinion, the best at guessing songs played on a kazoo
sadpunk - he invaded the stage at the end with me and egged me on to breakdance to the bluetones
miserabli - a very drunk man
other people i met but didn't talk to/was too drunk to remember anything of note:
homesick alan