Demo Reviews (in response to note from Tee_Pee)
Thanks for your massive message. Sorry no-one has got back to you all on the boards
The demo section wasn't getting as many hits as it used to and the quality and quantity of reviews was an issue and the massive amounts of demos we get in the post which hardly get listened to is a massive problem, in terms of a sense of guilt and a sense of awe at the scale of what comes in..
We weren't really doing anything to benefit bands and were just getting dis being quoted on lots of fairly average bands flyers and websites, with us saying how great they are (which in most cases, isnt the case).
What we plan to do is do more features on new bands so you get a proper taste of what things sound like, with links and quotes from the bands themselves, and do a handfull of these a month to introduce people to and highlight the best new bands properly. Colin's meant to have done some of these already, but he's been a little up against it, but they should be coming thick and fast real soon.
Hope this clears things up and you all feel this is something we have thought about.
Founder Drowned in Sound