monday 5th dec - dis does atp hangover party
So, this Monday, we'll be in that spinning post-ATP daze, but as Colin is off to scotland to judge unsigned bands for FOPP and as its the day of birth of Dis Records' superstar coordination Natalie (aka dis writer T Judge) we're throwing a party @ Tatty Bogle (the lovely little members club just off Carnaby St/Kingly Court in Soho).
Special Guests to be announced (might be a band, might just be djs). Lots of dj from DiS Staff, Fisher Price Soundsystem (we aint asked them yet, whoops! But we will...) stupidity with everything from Isis to Sigur Ros via Les Savy Fav, Wolf Eyes, Broken Social Scene, Fugazi, Shellac, Man Man, some Wainwrights, some Disney songs, and anything else...
cheap booze, good times...
sign-up for free membership for tattys on their website @