Heroes and Nemeses
These users are closest in similarity to John_Brainlove:
* pretty_vacant
* Kid_A
* quietcrown
* moribund
* i-deserve-to-be-in-your-band
* alari
* h_d_w
* spiral_stairs
* joe_totale
* taperjeangirl
* homesick_alien
* kooben
* Bloody_Youth
* restlessboy
* PowderedToastMan
* iShotTheDeputy
* whiteboydanceparty
* monpot
Whereas these users are as close as it comes to being John_Brainlove's musical nemeses:
* lostliketearsinrain
* cigarettehaze
* bloc_head
* Little_Young_Me
* Music_Girl_Rock_Pop_Punk
* jillmc
* zara_lou
* indie_chick
* chrispaulmansell
* flyingdream
* ilovemclars
* acorn
* jade500
* boredrigid
* your_nemesis
* miss_freckles