leeds nastyfest
is anyone else going to this on saturday?
it looks like a really good line-up and it's a great excuse to be in the pub from 3pm til 3am on a saturday (like you needed one anyway).
i'll be the one dancing down at the front to the envelopes.
according to the nice man at jumbo records, there's still some tickets left, though they are running out so if you want to come along then it's probably best to get your hands on some pretty soon....
Circulus, The Young Knives, Harrisons, The Sunshine Underground, Vincent Vincent & the Villains, Kubichek, Gentlemens Pistols, Envelopes, The Sugars, We Start Fires, That Fucking Tank, Grande Cobra, O Fracas, Twisted Charm, Voltage Union, Hot Dead Fox, Oversol.