Crap Famous people-spotting
Whilst pottering around COvent Garden last Friday thinking dark thoughts about 98% of the people shopping or 'entertaining' in the former fruit market, I got a good gawp of snooker World Champion and God Botherer Shaun Murphy, who I was shocked and ashamed to discover is actually very tall and not punchably podgy and short like he looks on telly - maybe he has some sort of Wurzel Gummidge facility when he can change bodies to suit the occasion? I also noted he looked at me like he was pleased that somebody at last had recognised him - I in return gave him the hurried 'I didnt see you look' I give ex university friends I keep seeing aorund London (note to diary: dye hair/cut off ears or wear Minstrel make up....)
anyone else ever seen a D list star almost begging you to recognise them?