Help and suggestions for my pop music journo assignment....
Howdy peeps. Been set this interesting assignment for my popular music specialism class for my journo degree.
I have to deliver a 250 word contribution to an imaginary Q feature on the bestest songs ever - the choice of songis mine, but I'll score higher and find it easier if the song I choose is laden with backstory and context.
I need to say why the song is so very good
Give an interesting 'backstory' - it can be the 'meaning' of the song (if they relate to the artist's life at the time, perhaps, or maybe commented on society at that time, or something), it can be tales from the studio during production, it can be the effect it had
on the artist's career.
Place the song in context of the artist's career, and in the context of 'pop' at that moment (and the larger culture, if you so desire)
Anyone got any suggestions to a song I can write about which matches any of the above criteria? The title and basic outline of the story behind would be welcome. Obviously not all the story, as I need to research that myself so that I actually do SOME work!