Thursday Gaming Thread
New Xbox One S is out. Which is the thin one, I think? Not to be confused with the Scorpio, which is the more powerful one due out later. Or Neo, which is the PS4.5... or... something. Or the NX, which is some handheld TV connecting mobile game playing iPad hybrid. Maybe.
Pro Evo looks like it's grown some balls and is trying to be a proper playa again by buying football rights and everything.
People are still playing / are not playing / love / hate / writing about stories to do with Pokemon Go. Nintendo point out to the world that they don't own the franchise outright anymore, which sees their stock value plummet and is a great example illustrating the total uselessness of stock trading and investment banking. Good job these guys don't dictate global recessions or anything...
New Telltale Batman comes out to some patchy reviews. Xbox One not-so-exclusive Inside is coming out on the PS4 in a few days time.