I shaved my head by accident - advice?
My hair is pretty shit, it's very coarse and curly (i'm white. this will be relevant) and you can't really do anything with it, so i keep it fairly short and cut it myself with a hair clipper thing.
Today I was going to cut my hair, set the clipper to number 4, and started going, but forgot to put the actual attachment on the thing. i'm not describing this well but basically instead of a number 4 it was a number 0. by the time i realised it was too late to do anything. so i now look like a skinhead. i also shaved my beard cos for some reason skinhead + beard looked more neo nazi to me than skinhead + no beard, although my friends think this was also an error.
should i be concerned? because i am. will people think i'm in the EDL? i live in a very multicultural area. i'm worried people will think i'm some sort of baddie. or am i overthinking it? do i start wearing hats? bandanas? wigs?