Everyone needs to stop saying this. That Let Me Google That For You website or whatever can fuck off too.
Is this what society has come to? Don't have a conversation or ask questions, shut up and google it.
Twice this week I've asked stuff on here and twice I've been told to just google it.
It's a message board designed for people chatting to eachother! This NO CHAT rule is getting out of hand.
Of course you can google it. You can go get a reference book. You can do any form of research. Fuck that. I want to talk about it. Sometimes when people ask things it's for conversational purposes.
Has the Internet ruined us so now all seems futile and pointless as Google has the cocking answer?
Disclaimer: This isn't a "millennials have no attention span moan moan" comment. Old cunts say it too. and I love the internet. And we all probably read and interact more than we ever did. It's just if someone asks a question, why not try ANSWERING.
*drops mic*
*crowd goes wild*
*remixes and memes appear on youtube*
*t shirts made*
*flags at Glastonbury with this post on*